Killing two birds with one stone

Sometimes the change towards a responsive organization seems at odds with the daily reality of the crew members. There are already so many things that don’t go quite right, and now, in addition, change has to happen. One way to deal with this is to connect these two things and make it part of your work. The basis here is the real issues of the teams, the things they are currently suffering from. The change towards a responsive organization is the framework within which the issues can be solved.

Think, for example, of teams that need clarity about which team is responsible for what. The solution is to form self-organizing teams with clear responsibility and a clear goal. This solution fits well within the change towards agility. The teams determine the composition of the teams themselves so that peace and clarity arise. The result is simultaneously a step towards the desired responsive organizational structure, killing two birds with one stone.

  • Ask teams to identify their issues. What would they like to be resolved?
  • Prioritize these issues together with the team. Which should we tackle first? Which provides the most value for you?
  • Brainstorm possible solutions together with the teams that fit within the change towards agility.
  • Then, work out the chosen solution together.

The core question is: are we willing to make the route subordinate to the goal? Can the path to the goal be a bit different, so we have the crew onboard?