
What is more important than having fun in the things you do? We believe that fun and energy lead to involvement and better results. To promote fun, we organize fun events for our amigos. From a running event to a tree planting day.

In our news items we will inform you about upcoming events.

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What is more important than having fun in the things you do? We believe that fun and energy lead to involvement and better results. To promote fun, we organize fun events for our amigos. From a running event to a tree planting day.

In our news items we will inform you about upcoming events.

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Celebrating the book launch and connect event

Last week was truly a week of celebration with our book launch and our annual Agile Connect event. Plus, our friends Jeroen and Els celebrated their birthdays.

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Our book Expedition Agility is ready!

Last week we had a great milestone: Our book Expeditie wendbaarheid is at the printer and can be pre-sold! Yoehoe, the flag can go up! It took a while to work hard to meet the agreed deadline, but now we have something we are really proud of. We can't wait to get our hands on it! If you are curious, we expect to have the book in Dutch and English on the shelves of in early September.

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Invitation: Agile champion league event 12 September 2024

We would like to invite you to an inspiring afternoon on 12 September 2024 from 13:00 to 17:00 together with fellow Agile Champions from Rabobank, Avans, Liberty Global, Drive and other organisations. This meeting will take place physically.

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